Neuroselling Part 2– Getting to the Why

In our first neuroselling blog post we gave a high level overview of what neuroselling is and how it works. If you missed it, check it out here The Better Way To Win Business (Part 1) for helpful background information on neuroselling. Now that you have the basics, let’s dig into the nitty gritty…getting to the “why”.

why trust you


The “why” is the backbone of neuroselling. Why? (pun intended) Because you already know what you do, but do you know why you do it? When you’ve figured out the why it makes it much easier to develop your convincing advantages and show your customers precisely why they need your product or service.




Let’s use our example from the first neuroselling blog of a vehicle headlight manufacturer. We know what we do:

  • We make quality headlights for cars and trucks
  • Our headlights are the safest in the industry
  • We have patented key features that you cannot find on other headlights
  • We sell to auto-manufacturers as well as direct to customers who want a higher quality, safer headlight on their vehicle

Great, we’ve got that covered. Often times, this is exactly what a salesperson uses as their pitch or elevator speech. Can’t you just hear your top sales rep spieling these exact words to a prospect? It’s not bad, but it doesn’t truly differentiate you.

The “why” of what you do targets a customer’s pains. I’m the prospect and I’m either not satisfied with my current headlights or I’m looking for something better. Perhaps I live on a dark road and can’t see the deer running in front of me at night and I don’t want to get into an accident with my infant in the backseat. Using that pain point of our customer, when developing the “why’s” for our headlight manufacturer, we may start with something like this:

  • Your family is more safe on the road from accidents when using our headlights
  • Our headlights are 75% more effective in rain, snow and other adverse conditions
  • Drivers can see 5x further ahead when using our headlights, keeping them more safe on the road

Right off the bat these sound pretty good, but keep digging to really get to the root of the pain. Using our example above, those why’s live at the surface of the pain. There is nothing wrong with them, and you may find them very useful later in your marketing or sales pitch.


deerThe real pains a customer may experience are the cost of repairing their vehicle, a rise in insurance, and most of all the fear of one of their loved ones being hurt or worse in an accident. We are emotional creatures, and react much stronger to the pains you solve than a list of features and benefits.





advantage listIt’s important to note that your “why’s” should be provable and unique to your product or service. The why is the positive that your customers experience from what you do. Although both are important, understanding how your product or service solves pains for your customers creates a more impactful sales pitch.



Don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult to develop meaningful “why’s”. It’s easier said than done. You should talk to your customers about their why’s for using your product, and you may benefit from developing different distinct advantages for your various customer segments or buyer personas. Once you have your convincing advantages defined your sales team moves from using a standard elevator
pitch to using a compelling justification for choosing your product or service over the competition.

There is an easy way to get you to your “why” and starting engage your prospects faster, and we can help! Let’s talk about developing your convincing advantages. Call us at 541-731-2973 or message here.